TR3 “E” Equine Edition
Arena Drag by ABI Equine – TR3 E – Equine Edition
Arena Drag by ABI Equine – TR3 E – Equine Edition
Dana Hokana loves the TR3 E Series for her Arena
Tractor Food Plot Disc at Work! New Option for your TR3 – ABI Dirt
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Subcompact
TR3E Subcompact
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Subcompact
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Food Plot Disc For Sub-Compact Tractor
ABI TR3e Equine Edition - Gravel Driveway Maintenance
TR3 E-Series
Arena Drag by ABI Equine – TR3 E – Equine Edition
Dana Hokana loves the TR3 E Series for her Arena
Tractor Food Plot Disc at Work! New Option for your TR3 – ABI Dirt
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Subcompact
TR3E Subcompact
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Subcompact
TR3 E-Series
TR3E Food Plot Disc For Sub-Compact Tractor
ABI TR3e Equine Edition - Gravel Driveway Maintenance
TR3 E-Series

TR3 “E” Equine Edition

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Arena Drag for Compact 3-point Tractors

The TR3e Equine Edition is America's bestselling 3-point arena drag for sub-compact and compact tractors! Its versatility enables you to professionally groom horse riding arenas, grade gravel driveways, smooth out dry lots, maintain trails, prep paddocks for seeding, break up manure in pastures, and prep soil for food plots! Versatility outside the arena and precision performance inside the arena is made possible by the TR3e Equine Edition's patented technologies. The included patented Profile Blade evenly cleans compaction below the arena footing surface, ensuring that what the horse sees on the top surface is what the horse feels when his hooves penetrate the ground! With the versatile and performance-orientated TR3e Equine Edition arena groomer connected to your sub-compact or compact tractor, you are empowered with a durable, easy-to-use, and easy-to-connect arena groomer that will take your hobby farm or performance horse facility to the next level; no big tractor or hydraulics required. 6', 7', & 8' Widths. 60-month Limited Warranty
ABI TR3e Property Edition Product Render
TR3 E-Series


The TR3e Equine Edition arena drag delivers premium performance-level arena maintenance results unmatched by other 3-point horse arena groomer. This tractor horse arena drag is designed to be easy to use and connect, ensuring frequent usage for better arena consistency. The included patented Profile Blades evenly clean compaction below the arena footing surface, ensuring that what the horse sees on the top surface is what the horse feels when his hooves penetrate the ground! The rear finishing rake beautifully firms the footing leaving ABI’s signature finish.

  • Eliminate Surface Compaction
  • Smooth Corrugation / Washboarding
  • Create Level & Smooth Riding Surface
  • Create Consistent Footing Depth
  • Clean Base Of Hidden Compaction
  • Create Quasi Base From Native Material
  • Add Footing Texture & Grip For Speed Events
  • Aerify Footing To Add Cushion
  • Blend Footing Particles Sizes For Better Stability
  • Apply Pressure To Breakup Clods & Firm Footing
  • Eliminate Vegetation At The Root
  • Redistribute & Spread Footing Material
ABI TR3e Equine Edition - Gravel Driveway Maintenance


The TR3e Equine Edition is also a complete gravel driveway resurfacing system for your sub-compact or compact tractor! It recycles existing gravel, creates a level and smooth driving surface, and restores rough potholes and washboard-filled driveways to new! This arena drag is also a world-class driveway grader with the teeth for tough gravel work!

  • Eliminate Potholes
  • Smooth Corrugation / Washboarding
  • Cut Or Maintain A Crown
  • Recycle Existing Gravel
  • Blend Aggregate Particles
  • Eliminate Vegetation
  • Redistribute & Spread Gravel
TR3 “E” - Pasture Harrow


After dragging the horse arena and resurfacing the gravel driveway, horse owners can extend the TR3e Equine Edition 3-point arena drag rake usage into livestock pastures, paddocks, and dry lots, eliminating the need for a separate chain harrow, landscape rake, or pulverizer. Loosen the soil to reseed thin or bare areas in pastures, smooth out dry lots rutted up by livestock, and breakup and spread manure in paddocks to help improve soil health. ABI’s Tractor Arena Groomer is One Tool That Does It All!

TR3E Food Plot Disc For Sub-Compact Tractor


The TR3e Equine Edition’s versatility even extends into soil prep for planting. Use the included ripping teeth to prep pastures and lawn for grass seeding. Or, go extreme and add the optional 14″ notched disc system quickly cultivate and level vegetable gardens & wildlife food plots, eliminating the need for a separate disc, rotary tiller, or plow. One tool does it all!

TR3 E-Series

U.S. Patents


Ground-Engaging Components


H.P. Rating

23 - 75

Limited Warranty


The TR3 E-Series was designed for the everyday equestrian and is built right here by American craftsmen. Designed by ABI’s world-leading arena maintenance experts and engineers, the TR3 E-Series is the ultimate 3-point arena drag that can easily groom, properly prepare, and renovate arenas with a sub-compact or compact tractor.

5 Ground-Engaging Components


The TR3 E series has 5 points of contact with the ground! These contact points all do something different and make the TR3 E Series the most versatile and effective arena drag globally! To properly prepare the entire profile of an arena, your arena drag must have more than one or two types of ground engaging components. Simply grooming out the hoof prints won’t keep your horses sound, performing to their maximum abilities, or give you both the best chance for a long partnership.

Independently Adjustable Components

The TR3 E Series has 5 ground engaging components, and ALL COMPONENTS are independently adjustable. These adjustable components provide the control needed to prepare the entire profile of your footing properly! At ABI Equine, we know that not all arena footing is the same! Variables such as materials used, moisture content, equine disciplines, and hours of use per day all contribute to properly preparing an arena.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Depth Control

Positive Depth Control

Positive depth control starts with the TR3 E-Series tires. The tires suspend the ground-engaging components in relation to each other, ensuring precise and accurate grooming. Other drags depth gauge is controlled by the tractor’s lower arms, ripper teeth, and s-tines, requiring a skilled operator. However, because the TR3 E-Series has gauge tires, positive depth control enables anyone to achieve precise and consistent footing depth.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Compact Design

Short & Compact Design

The TR3 E-Series rides close behind the tractor. Keeping the weight close to the three-point hook up gives smaller tractors more ability to pick it up and use it. In addition, this compact design eliminates the “sway” of traditional and longer arena drags. Longer drags are notorious for knocking out fencing, jumps, and hitting walls when used by inexperienced operators.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Compact Tractor

Sub-Compact and Compact Tractor

The TR3 E-Series was purposefully designed to enable smaller 23+ horsepower tractors to groom and renovate arenas precisely! No need to use a lightweight drag with a smaller tractor. No other arena drag offers more features, functions, and results connected to a sub-compact or compact tractor.

The TR3 E-Series has up to 5 ground engaging components that groom, properly prepare, and renovate horse arenas. These adjustable components provide proven innovation that helps keep your horses sound, performing to their maximum ability and around for a long time!

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Wheel

Stabilizing Wheels

Easily Create Consistent Footing Throughout The Arena

The patented center mounted wheels stabilize the frame of the TR3 E-Series and provide positive depth control to all ground engaging components. With three height adjustments, it’s easy to find the perfect position for general grooming or renovating.

All 3-point tractor implements move in the opposite direction of the tractor’s front tires. If the tractor’s front tires go up, the 3-point goes down, causing most 3-point implements to dig holes and create waves in horse arenas. However, the TR3 E-Series offers stabilizing wheels to solve this problem, preventing it from undulating with the tractor’s front tires.

The TR3 E-Series tires suspend the ground-engaging components in relation to each other, ensuring precise and accurate grooming, enabling anyone to achieve precise and consistent footing depth each time the arena is worked.

TR3 “E” Equine Edition - Profile Blade

Profile Blades (Patented)

Remove Subsurface Compaction You Can’t See

ABI’s patented Profile Blade attachment is an innovative subsurface cutting blade that works similarly in concept to a sod-cutting knife to eliminate hidden dangers under an otherwise smooth-looking top riding surface. This attachment cuts parallel to the arena grade while riding above the base to remove dangerous compaction layers and aerify the footing. Unlike competitors, the Profile Blade attachment ensures that what the horse and rider see on the top surface is what the horse feels when his hooves penetrate the footing material! This new level of safety helps reduce vet bills and ensures productive time in the ring, as the horse will be more attune to riders’ cues instead of unseen dangers below the surface. This technology works well in both arenas with and without a professionally installed base. If the arena does not have a base, the Profile Blades will pack the material below it to create a quasi base.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag. Leveling Blade

Leveling Blade (Patented)

Level The Arena, Don’t Just Smooth It Out

Many competitors claim their drag has a leveling or grading blade; the reality is that they don’t. Many drags can smooth, few can level. Simply smoothing out hoof prints will never bring an arena back to grade. A drag must move footing from one part of the arena to another to claim it can level a horse arena. The TR3 E-Series has an industry-exclusive patented leveling blade that can operate in either a floating or fixed position.

  • Floating Position: In the floating position, this blade will automatically catch high areas and drop that material into lower areas. If the arena is already level, it will not dig holes or create high spots. No skill is required to achieve or maintain a level grade in an arena that does not require renovation.
  • Fixed Position: The leveling blade may also be locked into a fixed position to act as a box blade for rough grading and material spreading. This fixed position enables cut-and-fill style grading used when renovating an arena. When locked, the leveling blade moves material from high areas to low areas at the direction of the tractor operator. A bit more skill is required, but the TR3 E-Series is equipped to get the job done.
TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Ripping Teeth

Ripping Teeth

The Teeth For Tough Work

The included adjustable rippers give the TR3 E-Series the teeth for tough dirt and gravel work. They are adjustable from 0 – 7″ to get to the bottom of the most compacted arena footing or gravel driveway potholes. Fortunately, the stabilizing wheels gauge the depth of these teeth to protect the arena’s base, and the tips are easily replaced to restore peak performance once worn.

These forward-facing scarifiers should also be occasionally run in arena footing to help remix sand particles sizes, ensuring the footing is well graded for best stability. Over time large footing particles will rise to the top of the footing profile, and the small particles will settle to the bottom. Keeping these particles mixed is crucial to a high-performance footing. This soil grading principle also applies to gravel driveways.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Grooming Rods

Grooming Rods

Add Cushion & Texture To The Footing 

The TR3 E-Series Equine Edition grooming rods add air to the footing for added cushion, helping to manage the perfect riding surface. While the Profile Blades loosen the footing horizontally, the Grooming Rods agitate the footing vertically, incorporating air and ensuring all compaction is loosened throughout the footing profile. The grooming rods follow the leveling blade and continue to level the footing for consistent feeding into the finish rake.

Additionally, Grooming Rods may be run either above or below the Profile Blade depth to add “texture” and “grip” to the footing, depending on the equine discipline and arena footing material. Reiners may choose to run the Grooming Rods and Profile Blades at the same depth, while Barrel Racers may run the Grooming Rods slightly below the Profile Blades to dial in the perfect footing.

TR3 Rake Arena Drag - Finish Rake

Adjustable Finish Rake

Create A Beautiful & Stable Signature Finish

The final component of the TR3 E-Series is the adjustable finish rake. This rear rake pulverizes and breaks up clumps of material and leaves a beautiful signature finish behind. The TR3 E-Series 1/2″ thick steel rake can adapt to various finishing positions suitable for differing material types and moisture levels by adjusting the rear manual turn-knuckle. This functionality enables the TR3 E-Series to groom material with the perfect flow, leaving the footing very loose or pushing the air out for more stability. Outside of the arena, it can work to grade and seal gravel driveways and break up manure lying on the pasture. The rake is replaceable in sections to reduce maintenance costs. Use caution when pushing backwards. Only push backwards on loose soil and at slow speed or damage could occur.

TR3 “E” Equine Edition - Rail Blade

Rail / Wall / Fence Blade

Eliminate Hours Of Back Breaking Work

The optional TR3 E-Series rail blade eliminates footing material buildup along the rail of a horse arena. This option saves hours of labor by eliminating the need to rake out tractor-accessible arena edges manually. The breakaway Get shear bolt, edge wheel, and edge marker stake pocket assist the operator with damage-free operation near wood fences, walls, and rails. (Driveway Marker Stake not included, available at local hardware)

TR3E - Equine Disk

Food Plot Disc

Go Ahead & Play In The Woods

Does your love for the outdoors sometimes take you from the horse arena to the back-40 looking for other four-legged creatures? If so, the Food Plot Disc for your TR3 E-Series Equine Edition is an ideal option to transform your arena drag into a food plot disc harrow. The 14” notched discs mount to individual shanks and can be swapped in for the Profile Blades.

Learn More


Easy To Use & Connect

The TR3 E-Series was specifically designed for ease of use, requiring no specialized skill to operate. It also has adjustments to accommodate any natural footing types and conditions. The TR3 E-Series is Quick Hitch compatible for simple and safe tractor connecting and disconnecting. Quick Hitch sold separately.

Proudly manufacturered in the USA

Manufactured Right Here

You want the best quality materials, you want the highest quality workmanship, you want your attachments made in the United States of America–and so do we! That’s why, since 1997, we’ve been manufacturing and selling equipment built to exceed your expectations, just like we should. This attention to detail creates products that are durable, reliable, and ready to do your toughest work–day after day.

Limited Warranty For Farm, Ranch, and Commercial Tools

60-month Warranty

We build equipment with commercial-grade construction and superior craftsmanship, so you can rest assured it will last a very long time. And to back that up, we offer a 60-month limited warranty on this product. See warranty documentation for details.

There are clear and purpose built advantages between the TR3 E Series and all other arena drags. These advantages deliver significantly better arena footing maintenance results and multi-function capabilities to manage your property.

1More Work with Less Horsepower

At the core of the TR3 E-Series is a welded main frame built upon 2″ x 3″ tube steel. The frame is fully welded, except at pivoting joints, for rugged and long lasting service life. Every component of the TR3 E-Series is truly commercial-grade to take the abuse of hours of daily use. Commercial-quality construction and design excels when other tools fail! The TR3 E-Series is the toughest and most versatile ATV tool on the market.

2Ease of Use

The everyday equestrian is not a professional ground prep contractor! Ease of use and “no skill required” were the foundation of the TR3 E series design. To keep your arena footing depth consistent, an arena drag MUST have a grading blade. The problem is that a fixed grading blade means you need to be a skilled operator. Not so with the floating drag bar of the TR3 E Series. The floating drag bar will catch your highs and fill in your lows without the operator having to control the three point hydraulic arms of the tractor. The floating drag bar, in conjunction with the stabilizing wheels, offsets the dangerous dipping and gouging that comes with all other three point arena drags.


The primary purpose of the TR3 E series is arena footing. But make no mistake this tractor attachment is perfect for gravel road maintenance and light pasture and seed bed work. With the ripping or scarifying teeth, floating drag bar and the profile blades, the TR3 E Series will turn your pothole filled gravel road into a brand new road in no time. If you think the TR3 E Series is an incredible arena drag, just wait until your neighbors think you’ve spent thousands of dollars on a new gravel road!


80% of all soundness related injuries are a result of poorly prepared arena footing. How your arena footing is prepared below the first 1″ is fundamental and critical to keeping your horse sound. With moisture in your footing, and as your horses travel throughout the arena, they compress the footing to the point where there are hard inconsistencies that you and your horse cannot see…but your horse can feel! Simply dragging a chain harrow or simply designed arena drag that’s purpose is to smooth out the hoof prints, will not prepare your footing for safety…it only covers up the issues. But the profile blades and floating drag bar on the TR3 E Series will completely eliminate any unseen compaction clear down to the base and will keep the depth of your footing the same throughout your arena.


Horses are reactionary animals and have a natural “flight” mentality when they sense danger. As equestrians, we ask our horses to do things that are very unnatural in the wild. If we don’t give them a footing that makes them feel safe they are most often going to tense up and not respond to the cues given by the riders seat, legs and hands. You work hard to get your horses mind in sync with your desires and direction and poorly maintained footing will break that mental bond and leave you both frustrated. With the TR3 E Series, you can eliminate that worry from your arena training. If you properly prepare your arena with the profile blades, floating drag bar, grooming rods and adjustable finish rake, you and your horses stand a much better chance of success!


Your investment in your horse is not just about time and money…it’s also about your relationship! You don’t have the luxury of buying new horses every few years. When your horses are lame or unable to compete at the next level, your choices become limited to replacement or retirement. The wisest investment you can make in the longevity of your horses is in the arena footing where you ride and train. The TR3 E series gives you the advantage of increasing your horses’ longevity to provide you with many years of love and enjoyment!


Although ABI Equine believes that it is critical to the safety and performance of your horses to properly prepare your footing, sometimes a quick and simple grooming is what’s needed. The TR3 E Series floating drag bar, grooming rods and finish rake produce a beautifully groomed arena. One of the attention to details that ABI put into the finish rake is the slightly upward concaved end pieces. This minor, but important, detail helps to leave a more beautiful finish without the deep lines that hard edge usually will leave on the footing.

8Properly Prepare

If you believe that your arena footing plays an important role in the soundness, performance and longevity of your horses, then you have no choice but to invest in an arena drag that can prepare the entire profile of the footing and not just the first 1/2″. ABI Equine’s profile blades and floating drag bar are two of the critical components that create consistent depth and eliminate inconsistency in compaction. Because these components are patented, nobody but ABI Equine can offer them on their arena drags.


There is no such thing as a horse arena that never gets out of grade. It happens, and from time to time it is mandatory to get the arena back in its original condition. With most other arena drags, you would have to get out a box scraper and disk to make that happen. And, if another arena drag can renovate…it’s very difficult to use for the everyday equestrian. Not with the TR3 E Series from ABI Equine. The TR3 E Series is easy for anyone to use and yet when using the ripping or scarifying teeth and then locking the floating drag bar down, it can be turned into a powerful rough grading tool that can loosen the hardest material move yards of it anywhere needed to bring your arena back into perfect condition!

8Return on Investment

As horse owners, you spend a lot of your hard earned money on horses, trucks, trailers and property. You do this for the love of horses and there is no more important place to allocate your money than on the ground where you and your horses spend most of your time. So you want an arena drag that will actually keep your horses sound, performing to their maximum ability and partnering with you for a long time. That’s your ROI or return on your investment! Not only that, but the TR3 E Series is a multi purpose tool for property maintenance so your basically getting 2-3 tools for the price of one!

TR3® E-Series Riata® Rake Reveal 4-n-1 S-Tine Harrows Circle Drags Chain Harrows Spring-Tine Harrows
Price Range $$$ $$$ $$$$ $$ $$ $ $$$
Easy To Operate -
Easy To Setup & Connect - - -
Patented Technology - - - - - -
5 Footing-Engaging Components - - - - - -
No Hydraulics Needed -
For Sub-C & Compact Tractors - -
60-month Limited Warranty - - - - - -
Written Money Back Guarantee - - - - - -
Groom Arena
Properly Prepare Arena - - - - - -
Renovate Arena - - - - -
Eliminate 100% Ridging - - - - - -
Clean Sub-Surface Base - - - - - -
Create Pristine Finish - - - - -
Breakup Hardpan Footing Option - - - -
Grade Gravel Driveway - - - - - -
Rough Grading - - - - -
Finish Grading - - - - -
Push Backward - - - - - -
Profile Blade - - - - - -
Grading Blade - - - - -
Auto Grading Blade - - - - - -
Scarifiers Option - - -
Grooming Rods - - - - -
Finish Rake - - - - -
Adjustable Finish Rake - - - - - -
Stabilizing Wheels - - - -
S-Tines - - - - - -
Spring Tines - - - - - -
Spikes - - - -
Smoothing Bar - - - - - -
Rolling Basket/Roller - - - -
Riata® is a federally registered trademark of Riata Ranch Company, Inc.
Reveal 4-N-1 is a trademark of DJ Reveal, Inc.

Tow Vehicle Requirements

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Vehicle Type Tractor with 3-Point Tractor with 3-Point Tractor with 3-Point
Min. Horsepower 23 h.p. 32 h.p. 40 h.p.
Max. Horsepower 45 h.p. 55 h.p. 65 h.p.
4 Wheel Drive Required Required Required
3-Point Category Limited CAT 1, CAT 1 CAT 1 CAT 1
Min. 3-Point Lift 679 lbs. 780 lbs. 895 lbs.
Front Weight Needed Yes, Min 20% of Total Machine Weight Required Yes, Min 20% of Total Machine Weight Required Yes, Min 20% of Total Machine Weight Required

Unit Weights & Dimensions

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Full Unit Weight 679 lbs. 780 lbs. 895 lbs.
Full Shipping Weight 771 lbs. 882 lbs. 996 lbs.
Unit Dimensions 71"W x 57"D x 30"H 83"W x 57"D x 30"H 95"W x 57"D x 30"H
Shipping Dimensions 72"W x 54"D x 36"H 84"W x 54"D x 36"H 90"W x 54"D x 36"H

Frame Construction

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
3-Point Hitch Limited CAT 1, CAT 1 CAT 1 CAT 1
Quick Hitch Compatible Yes Yes Yes
Tire Size 16.5" Diameter x 6.5" Width x 8" Rim 16.5" Diameter x 6.5" Width x 8" Rim 16.5" Diameter x 6.5" Width x 8" Rim
Tire Type Turf Tire - Air Filled Turf Tire - Air Filled Turf Tire - Air Filled

Finish Rake

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Type Adjustable Relationship To Frame Adjustable Relationship To Frame Adjustable Relationship To Frame
Raking Width 71" (5.92') 83" (6.92') 95" (7.92')
Rake Material 1/2" Steel - Laser Cut (Replaceable in sections) 1/2" Steel - Laser Cut (Replaceable in sections) 1/2" Steel - Laser Cut (Replaceable in sections)
Flared Ends Yes Yes Yes
Push Material Backward Completely Loose Material Only Completely Loose Material Only Completely Loose Material Only

Grading Blade

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Type Floating, Fixed, or Float Within Range Floating, Fixed, or Float Within Range Floating, Fixed, or Float Within Range
Grading Width 45.5" (3.79') 57.5" (4.79') 69.5" (5.78')
Cutting Edge Solid, Replaceable Solid, Replaceable Solid, Replaceable


ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Type Rigid Shank - With Replaceable Tip (Bolt-On) Rigid Shank - With Replaceable Tip (Bolt-On) Rigid Shank - With Replaceable Tip (Bolt-On)
Scarifying Width 44.4" (3.7') 56.5" (4.71') 68.5" (5.71')
Scarifying Depth 0" - 4 3/4" 0" - 4 3/4" 0" - 4 3/4"
# of Scarifiers 4 6 8
Scarifier Shank Length 7" 7" 7"

Grooming Rods

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Grooming Width 54" (4.5') 67.5" (5.63') 78" (6.5')
# of Gromming Rods 9 13 17
Grooming Depth 0" - 8" 0" - 8" 0" - 8"
Grooming Rod Length 16" 16" 16"

Profile Blades

ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Available Option Option Option
Profile Blade Width 58" (4.83') 70" (5.83') 82" (6.83')
Profile Blade Depth 0" - 6" 0" - 6" 0" - 6"
Mounting Location Front Front Front
Unit Weight 93 lbs. 107 lbs. 120 lbs.


ABI TR3 E-Series 6' 7' 8'
Farm & Ranch Use 60-month 60-month 60-month
Commercial Use 12-month 12-month 12-month


TR3 "E" Equine Edition
Tow Vehicle Tractor, Sub-Compact Tractor, Compact Tractor, Utility Tractor
Product Type Horse Arena Drags
Connection Ltd. CAT I 3-Point, CAT I 3-Point
Size , ,
Other Attributes NO Hydraulics Needed, NO PTO Needed

20 reviews for TR3 “E” Equine Edition

Based on 37 reviews
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
  1. Marcel Touzin

    We have had the TR3 E series for about a year. My wife rides and enjoys the sport of Dressage and is a perfectionist. I drive the tractor. I love this tool. It provides me the exact footing my wife needs and does it easily. As an aside. It is perfect to maintain our gravel driveway… In Florida. Thanks

  2. Charles Finley

    What a great arena drag. I had a 4 in 1 reveal for 15 years and there is no comparison. I have been in the horse industry for over 45 years and the TR3 E is by far the best machine I have ever used.

  3. Sally Luke

    Amazing . Revitalized and repaired our tired footing we are so happy

  4. Kay Piediscalzi

    I am very pleased with my TR3 E-Series. My arena ground is so much better using this equipment. I am able to get more done with my horses by having better ground.

  5. Susie

    Great addition to farm equipment. I am very happy with my TR3E. I could not imagine life without it anymore. We purchase about 6 month ago and once we go it set up and dialed in for our footing, it’s brilliant. We have 2 riding rings and high traffic use with jumping everyday. It has saved a lot of time and diesel by doing a great job on the first pass. Levels ring. No more puddles. I would recommend to anyone.

  6. DJ Maier

    Great tool it’s like 5 in one

  7. John Dillon

    What a great design. Needed a drag for our indoor arena and this exceeds our expectations. Nate was great to deal with and will buy from them again when equipment is needed.

  8. William Ellegood and Lynn BilleterEllegood

    TR3 E-series is Amazing! The versatility and quality of this arena drag is amazing! Our arena feels like the best footing we have ever walked on; the horses just float! This is our 4th Abi product. We love the design, durability, and dependability of the Abi products. The Abi personnel are also top notch both in their pride in the products and their integrity. Very refreshing to do business with a company of such high standards. Thank you all and God bless!! Special thank you to our sales rep Brian

  9. H Almanza

    Great Product – Superb Customer Service. TR3 was delivered today and WOW! With the TR3, we were able to do in 20 minutes what usually takes 2-hours and three separate attachments. I’ll admit, we were a bit wary of the price, but it is worth every penny. Thank you for walking through the process with us, answering our questions, and ensuring we bought the correct sized attachment. Looking forward to future ABI purchases.

  10. Julieann Lee

    Best of the best. This tr3e is soo much better then u though it would be. The ease of getting it off the delivery truck & in arena was about 30 min. It’s amazing !! Women friendly ! And easy to work with.

  11. Jodi

    This drag is everything! Although for our private farm, we wanted a way to properly maintain our new large (240X180) bluestone/sand/shell mix arena. It really does the job and THEN some! One of our biggest issues with the new arena is the 50 plus year old tress that line the arena. They completely shade the arena in the summer which is invaluable to us. But in the fall, they pose a MAJOR problem. With the aid of a large Ohio leaf sweep and this TR3 we are able to put the blade down and churn what is left over in to the sand and it biodegrades. It is a lifesaver! Although maybe to big for most people, this TR3 E was JUST what our farm needed! I can’t recommend it enough! Worth the money!

  12. Bruce

    Great Arena Drag. After 10 years of using various other drags/harrows we got a TR3 E series. We’ve had it for about 2 years now and absolutely love it. My wife says after conditioning the arena it’s like butter cream frosting. Wouldn’t be without one now that we’ve been spoiled. Works great, easy to adjust, built to last.

  13. Deann and Greg Frey

    Amazing equipment. We built our arena ourselves last year and bought the TR3 to help with that. We are so impressed with this amazing piece of equipment. I had hopes that it would help make the spot we chose into a reasonable arena. It has far surpassed my expectations. It looks and functions like a professional arena. I’m completely confident riding my expensive horses in there without reservation. I consider my ABI a partner in my riding program now. Highly recommended.

  14. Wolf And Samantha Spirit

    If I could give more than five stars I truly would. My wife and I turn Field’s into workable arena area’s. 99% of the ground we work is very hard. But our TR3 works like a champ. Thank you ABI.

  15. Dan B

    I’ve used several different types of 3 pt and pull type arena drags, and none of them can hold a candle to the e series. Each component is very quick and easy to adjust, to fine tune your ground. You can produce world show quality footing at your farm. I can not say enough good about the customer service from ABI, from the sales team to the service department, reaching out to offer video links before our drag even arrived. Top notch company and products.

  16. Carl Rogers

    I just received my new TR3 E-Series Equine Edition. Following setup, I went out to grade my long driveway. The results were amazing! This is the first 3-point grading implement I’ve used that performed flawlessly. The tires eliminate the sensitivity of other graders and takes the operator error out of the equation. I purchased the equine edition because I also have some landscaping/seed bed preparation to do. Can’t wait to see how it performs. I have high expectations after seeing the top-notch performance on my driveway.

  17. Jean Hopkins

    The ease of operation is much appreciated. It easily fixes potholes and ruts. I’m very impressed with the versatility of the product.

  18. Daryl Taylor

    Why did I wait so long to buy this excellent arena drag. Now after a few weeks using the TR3-E and testing different settings, our dressage arena is the best it’s ever been. Our boarders are raving over this ABI TR3-E drag as they have noticed the improvement of the footing and especially the depth and consistency throughout the whole arena.

  19. Jeanette Martin

    Wow! What a great piece of equipment! Small compact but built TOUGH! Great advice and guidance helping us choose which one would be best for our barn. Fast shipper ! Great company!

  20. Denise Finster

    Absolutely amazing machine. No need for any special footing. Easy to use and adjust.

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