Matt Gives His Christmas Gift Recs

It’s never too early to start planning your Christmas gifts list, especially when your list has equipment that takes a few weeks to ship. Matt’s here to make sure you get your attachments ordered in time for the holidays with this very special episode of Christmas recommendations for your loved ones who own property, run a  hobby farm, or are always doing outdoor work. 

ABI Products Shown In This Video
TR3 E-Series

TR3 “E” Equine Edition

  • For Sub-Compact & Compact Tractors, #1 Selling Arena Drag
  • 6', 7', 8' Widths
  • Starting At: $128/mo.*
TR3 Rake - Driveway

TR3 Rake

  • For Compact & Utility Tractors
  • 6.5', 7.5', 8.5', 10' Widths - Commercial-Duty
  • Starting At: $116/mo.*
Small Tractor 3 Point Gravel Driveway Grader

TR3 “E” Property Edition

  • For Sub-Compact & Compact Tractors
  • 6' & 7' Widths
  • Starting At: $94/mo.*

25ft³ Compact Ground Driven Manure Spreader

  • 4-Speed - Ground Driven
  • For Lawn Tractor, ATV, UTV, Golf Cart, or Sub-Compact Tractor - Up to 4 Horses
  • Starting At: $116/mo.*
ABI Equine 550 Water Trailer

550 Gallon Compact Water Trailer

  • Farm Use: Compact Tractor
  • Min. Vehicle Weight: 2,400 lbs. On Flat Ground, Towing Capacity 5,200 lbs. On Uneven Terrain
  • Starting At: $195/mo.*
Truck Hauling 1000 Gallon Water Trailer Dust Abatement

1000 Gallon DOT Water Trailer

  • Road-Ready For 3/4-Ton Truck
  • Min. Vehicle Towing Capacity: 10,200 lbs., Dual Axle, Commercial Platform
  • Starting At: $376/mo.*

Hey everyone. Matt here with ABI attachments. Welcome back to the “ABI Dirt.” As you can see around here, we’re thinking about Christmas. And for those of you who think that it’s too early to think about Christmas, I say to you, “Humbug.” It is never too early to think about Christmas especially when your Christmas list, or the Christmas list of the people you care about, have attachments on the list. Because guess what? It takes a really long time for attachments to get from the North Pole. So if you have someone you love and they’re looking at a new tractor or skid-steer, or ATV, UTV attachment for a Christmas present, wink wink, you, first of all you’re friends with the right people. Second of all, I’ve got a list of recommendations that might make your life a little bit easier. 

1. Compact Manure Spreaders

My first recommendation on the list, and I know this might sound like a loaded recommendation, is actually compact manure spreaders. I know now, for those of you who worried that you might be sending the wrong message to the gift recipient on this one, bear with me. It’s actually one of our most popular items for a Christmas gift around here, because think about it. For those of you who have loved ones that spend a lot of time mucking stalls, or a lot of time dumping wheel barrels, or stacking up manure somewhere this is gonna save a lot of time. And for those of you who have some four legged creatures you care deeply about, a manure spreader from ABI with its inline shredder bar. Remember, we’ve talked about this often. You actually are gonna take better care of your horses, better care of your stalls, and better care of your pastures because you’ve got a tool that can turn that manure into some really valuable nutrients for your pasture. Care for the stall muckers, care for the horses, care for the pasture, all in one gift. That’s why it’s my top recommendation. 

2. Compact Water Trailer

Next item on the Christmas list recommendation is a compact water trailer. This one’s a crowd pleaser because it’s so versatile. If you’ve got someone in your life who’s especially difficult to shop for because they seem to have all of the nichey tools, this may be a great general application product because a water trailer can be used for dust abatements. It can be used in your arena, it can be used on the garden. It can put water in water troughs. It can even be used to help clean those hard to reach places around the property. This is a great tool to have going into the new year especially if you’re looking into some big projects next year, or you’ve got some new property you’re looking to invest in. 

3. Let Them Pick an Attachment!

Now, my last recommendation is for those of you in a unique situation. I understand that some of you may have loved ones on your Christmas buy list that maybe they wouldn’t appreciate a new tractor or skid steer attachment for the holidays. You would, but they wouldn’t. You may also be opposed to buying yourself a Christmas present. And you’re like, “I just can’t justify getting myself a new TR-3 E series or Arena Rascal Pro. So you’ve got two options. This is a unique recommendation, either A, send your loved ones a link to this video, never a bad idea. Or B, say, “You know what? This year, your compact tractor deserves a new TR-3 E series.” And you can just add that tractor right to that buy list and make sure to get your tractor exactly what it wants. It deserves something nice for Christmas too. 

We’re Here to Help With Big Holiday Savings

That’s all I’ve got today. Thank you for enduring a little bit of Christmas conversation before Thanksgiving. I know, I know it gets earlier every year, but the reason I want to have this conversation now is because all month long through November, we’re having Black Friday deals every single day which means if you were looking at a new attachment for a loved one now’s the time to give our product specialist a call. We look forward to hearing from you. We look forward to helping you around your property.

For more information on these or other attachments visit us at or call a Product Specialist at at 877.788.7253
