Fine Finish Broom – Detailed Features Walk-Through (ABI Force Z23)
All right. We’re going to go ahead and start up with the fine finish broom here that’s on the back of the ABI force. The finish broom is a seven foot wide implement. That’s mainly for finishing.
We’ve got three sets of independent bristles that slide into the track, so it’s easily replaceable. Does a great job of kind of sweeping over the surface and eliminating any of the surface cleat marks or any undulation that might go into your topicals. Your conditioners. Does a great job because doesn’t carry too much material with you and you’re able to sweep over your grass edges if needed.
Again, seven feet wide. Each attachment here is able to be independently rotated, to be able to pitch and change direction based on your conditions. This broom is best used when it’s in a little bit drier conditions, but you can use in moist conditions. We’ll tend to get some streaking behind it if it is wet. So as soon as everything’s kind of dried up for game preparation, it’s a great time to throw the finish broom out.
I love a little post-game broom action. Once everything is all nail dragged up first and then you’re able to come back through and kind of finish everything once it’s what’s been hit with a nail drag. But also great for just right before the game getting all the any undulation that might be in the surface eliminated and kind of swept out prior to the game. Thank you for watching. If you’d like to learn more about the ABI Force and the rear attachments, please visit our website.