How to Avoid a Major Headache this Spring! – ABI Dirt
Spring is just around the bend, and that means its time to get your tools ready to go! As great is it will be to get back outdoors and into the dirt, you may be in for a headache if you haven’t replaced your wear parts since last year. So check on your tools now, and if you have wear parts that need replacement, give us a call. Or, if you haven’t yet joined the ABI family, see your dealer about wear parts for the machines you do utilize. Supply chains are a bit inconsistent these days, so take the necessary steps now to ensure you and your tools are ready to rock on day one and you have the supplies you need to avoid delays throughout the season! If you have ABI wear parts and need replacements, or have questions about our tools, give us a call ASAP so we can get you set up!
Hi, everyone. Matt here with ABI Attachments. Welcome back to another episode of the ABI Dirt. On today’s episode, I am looking to hopefully, lessen your stress, lower of pressure, and possibly even improve some of your relationships. I know that’s a really big tall order, but we’re gonna dig into something that was gonna typically cause a lot of you a lot of stress in the spring of season and I’m hoping to help you avoid that this season.
So let me paint the picture for you. Things have warmed, up snows off the ground, or for the Southern part of the country it’s starting to get green again. You’re excited about your dirt work whether it’s contract jobs that you’re gonna get paid for whether it’s just your hobby around your property you wanna get some things done, work on some gravel get back into your outdoor arena. If you haven’t been there for a while you head out to the barn of the garage, you grab your piece of machinery and you’ve maintained it well, right? You’ve made sure that your machinery’s good to go. You attach up to your arena drag to your piece of equipment, your dirt working tool of choice. You head out to the job site, you’re ready to dig in, you drop the tool, you make your first pass and the results aren’t quite what you’re looking for.
Scratch the beard, scratch the hair, wonder what’s going on and go take a look at the piece of equipment. You look at the parts of the tool that are actually touching the dirt, the ground engaged components that are actually tearing stuff up. Shoot, these need to be replaced. Well, now you’re already in the field, you’re already in the arena, you’re already in the back 40, and what do you gotta do? You gotta make a phone call. You gotta place an order. You gotta drive to the dealership. You gotta get the parts that you need to get this thing back up in working order. But how long is that gonna take? And who’s waiting on you? And did you already have somebody scheduled to be on this job site and how many crew members do you have not able to finish the work because yet don’t have the parts you need to get the job done. I’d like to help you avoid that.
So consider this entire episode today, a friendly reminder. If you have a piece of equipment that is dropped into the dirt, the gravel, the soil to tear things up, that means you have wear parts. And if you have wear parts, our recommendation here at ABI my personal recommendation from being in customer service for so many years is to have spare wear parts on the shelf at all times. It’s gonna save you so much stress. If you’ve got an ABI Attachment’s product you likely have one of these pieces that I’ve got here in front of me, whether it’s a finish rake on the back end of the drag, like the TR3s SR3s, the E-Series, you may have scar fire tips. This is the gravel rascal lineup, as well as some of our bigger drags, our contractor drags as well. Grooming rods, such as those on the drag master as well as the TR3-E Series Equine Edition or the Trevor Brazile Edition or profile blades. Some of these are in our sports turf products as well as our arena products to give that nice even profile underneath your footing.
So whether you’ve got an ABI drag or not take a look at your equipment while it’s still parked in the barn and it’s not getting a whole lot of love or life right now in the same way that you would execute your normal annual or semi-annual maintenance on your piece of machinery take inventory of what could be replaced here. By the time you start to use it heavy in spring and summer give us a call, talk to your dealership wherever you get your machinery, get spare parts on the shelf now, because that’s going to save you a whole lot of stress. Once you’re actually in the heat of the moment you wanna get up and running and you can’t do it as well as you’d like. If you’re not quite sure what you replaced or how often you replaced it, give us a call. We would love to get you the parts you need on the shelf here in February. That way all of these supply chain constraints and delays and shipping issues everyone’s dealing with it won’t hurt you quite as bad because you got the parts in the shelf here, a head of the season.
That’s all I’ve got today everyone hope it saves you some stress here in the next couple of months as it begins to warm back up. And we’ll see you next time here on the Dirt.